Connecting our Communities, Realising our Ambitions
Reimagining Nursing and Midwifery for NHS Lothian
Connecting our Communities, Realising our Ambitions: Reimagining Nursing and Midwifery for NHS Lothian is the strategic plan that sets out a vision and five key ambitions for the next five years. It describes the key deliverables necessary to build the foundations which will support and empower nurses and midwives to shape a sustainable future and drive improvements in best practice within our own professional community and for the communities we serve.
We celebrated the first year of implementation of the strategic plan at an event on 10th May 2024. This included 36 presentations from nurses and midwives across the organisation showcasing activities and outcomes related to the achievement of the five ambitions set out in the plan. You can view the full programme for the day and access many of the presentations here.
Please find an overview of the strategic plan below and to view the full strategic plan, please click here.
Our first Nursing and Midwifery Annual Report that details the achievement of our ambitions during the first year of implementation 2023-2024 is now available.
You can watch a recorded PowerPoint presentation by Gillian McAuley, Nurse Director Acute Services that explains the strategic plan.
Gillian McAuley, Nurse Director Acute Services and her senior leadership team discuss the next steps in the implementation of the Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan.

Foreword – Executive Nurse Director
Alison MacDonald
Connecting our Communities, Realising our Ambitions is our Nursing and Midwifery Strategic Plan 2023-2028. It is designed to address some of the key challenges for the professions and the Board and to ensure NHS Lothian is equipped with a strong, compassionate, empowered and highly skilled workforce, enabling the delivery of best outcomes for people.
It is important that Nursing and Midwifery professionals recognise the key role they play in achieving the local and national objectives alongside NHS Lothian’s Strategic Development Framework 2022-2027.
This plan underpins our ambitions for NHS Lothian to become a great place to work and a great place to be cared for.
When we talk about ‘our communities’, we are referring firstly to the community of patients/clients that we care for; and we are also talking about our communities of nurses and midwives who work in many different sectors and settings across NHS Lothian. We are immensely proud of the Nursing and Midwifery professions because of the professionalism, dedication and desire to provide quality and compassionate care, whilst working in some of the most difficult circumstances.
We are devoted to ensuring that people are at the focus of what we do and that the experience of patients, staff and those who use our services are at the heart of what matters.
Framework to Deliver the Strategic Plan

- The vision setting out the future state
- The five ambitions which underpin the overarching aim that NHS Lothian will become a great place to work and a great place to be cared for.
- The aims in a set of detailed objectives.
- The key deliverables which are set out incrementally in rolling steps
Our Vision
Strategic plan
Supporting communities of patients/clients and staff by empowering autonomy, belonging and individual contribution to provide excellence.
Our communities of patients/clients, relatives and carers and our communities of Nursing and Midwifery staff are at the heart of this strategic plan.
We recognise the importance of empowerment, autonomy and individual contribution for all these groups, which are fundamental to a sense of belonging.
This plan also describes what our nurses and midwives can aspire to in their own career development.
Summary of our Aims and Ambitions
Our Ambitions
Reinvigorate our workforce,
Make people feel valued, respected and supported,
Deliver excellence in safe high quality care,
Maximise the professional contribution of nurses and midwives,
Deliver excellent, person-centred compassionate care.
Make people feel valued, respected and supported,
Deliver excellence in safe high quality care,
Maximise the professional contribution of nurses and midwives,
Deliver excellent, person-centred compassionate care.
Our Aims
We will make NHS Lothian a great place to work and a great place to be cared for with a Framework for Compassionate Leadership: helping, understanding, attending, empathising and by Meeting the Core Needs of our Staff: autonomy, belonging and contribution.

Key Deliverables
We have developed a step diagram to identify what will be delivered in each year of this plan

- Attract, recruit and retain a skilled workforce
- Embed governance and assurance framework using Quality Management
- Safe communications with and between teams
- Promote an inclusive culture, fostering diversity
- Role model and deliver our principles for person-centred care
- Work as equal partners with medical and general manager colleagues through triumvirate structures

- Invest in areas of growth that matter to staff
- Create opportunity for personal and professional development
- Making it easier for everyone to test improvement ideas
- Authentic, appreciative, kind open and honest
- Develop care processes and systems that are centred around people
- Engage and empower the workforce to innovate and improve for the future
- Redesign the workforce that supports new roles and a sustainable future

- Maximise potential and impact at every level
- Leadership to support safety at all levels
- Lead with compassion, empowerment, autonomy and contribution
- Nuture teamwork cohesion and advance the collective power of our influence
- Provide personalised values, rights-based care that is realistic
- Focus on enablement and engagement using feedback to drive improvement
- Lead excellence in learning, research and professional practice
Strategy Map Identifying Local and National Priorities
Connecting our Communities, Realising our Ambitions
Strategy Map 2023-2028
NHS Scotland Nursing 2030 Vision
Personalising Care
Preparing Nursing for Future Needs and Roles
Supporting Nurses
Excellence in Care
The six domains of Quality
Person Centred
NHS Lothian Strategic Development Framework – The population will live longer and healthier lives with better outcomes from the care and treatment we provide
Improving the health of the population
Improving performance
Improving how we work with people
Digital; Finance; Workforce; Environmental
NHS Lothian Nursery and Midwifery Vision – Supporting communities of patients/clients and staff by empowering autonomy, belonging and individual contribution to provide excellence
Reinvigorate our workforce
Deliver excellence in safe high quality care
People feel valued, respected and supported
Deliver excellent person-centred compassionate care
Maximise the professional contribution of nurses and midwives
Equality and Inclusion in the Nursing and Midwifery Professions

We are committed to advancing equality for all nurses and midwives with protected characteristics to progress their careers within NHS Lothian.
We are invested in developing everyone as a leader, which is critical to delivering this strategic plan. We have secured Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) Academy membership, giving all our nurses and midwives access to a range of development resources and opportunities.
We are invested in developing everyone as a leader, which is critical to delivering this strategic plan. We have secured Florence Nightingale Foundation (FNF) Academy membership, giving all our nurses and midwives access to a range of development resources and opportunities.
Framework for Compassionate Leadership
This strategic plan also commits to embedding a Framework for Compassionate Leadership, which is centred of four core behaviours of attending, understanding, empathising and helping (Atkins and Parker, 2012)

Meeting the Core Needs of Our Staff
Research has demonstrated that the well-being, flourishing and engagement of nurses and midwives is affected by three core needs: Autonomy, Belonging and Contribution (West et al., 2020). It is our ambition to support the delivery of these needs through our actions to transform working lives, and in turn improve the safety and quality of the care we deliver.
The need to have control over one’s work life, and to be able to act consistently with one’s values
1. | Authority, empowerment and influence |
2. | Justice and fairness |
3. | Work conditions and working schedules |
The need to be connected to, cared for by, and caring of colleagues, and to feel valued, respected and supported
4. | Teamworking |
5. | Culture and leadership |
The need to experience effectiveness in work and deliver valued outcomes
6. | Workload |
7. | Management and supervision |
8. | Education, learning and development |
Nursing and Midwifery Career Pathway
Our aim is that NHS Lothian is seen as a great place to work, a place where there are opportunities for long and rewarding careers in Nursing and Midwifery.
This career pathway offers some examples of opportunities that are available.

- Student Nurse and Midwife

Skills Boost
To enter as Health Care Support Worker

- Health Care / Maternity Support Worker

- Assistant Practitioner

Higher National Certificate
Health Care Support Workers apply for (HNC) to access nursing programmes

- Staff Nurse / Community Nurse
All nursing branches e.g.:
Mental Health
Public Health
Care Home
Mental Health
Public Health
Care Home

- Specialist Practitioner District Nursing
- Community Nurse Practitioner
- Emergency Nurse Practitioner
- Practice Education Facilitator
- Clinical Research Nurse
- Clinical Educator in CET
- Deputy Charge Nurse
- Midwife

- Senior Charge Nurse
- Team Leader
- Clinical Nurse Specialist
- Advanced Nurse Practitioner
- Lead Specialist District Nurse
- Health Visitor
- Clinical Nurse Practitioner

- Clinical Nurse Manager
- Clinical Midwifery Manager
- Clinical Research Nurse Manager
- Lead Nurse Quality Improvement

- Nurse Consultant
- Deputy Associate Nurse Director
- Deputy Chief Nurse
- Deputy Director of Midwifery
- Head of Nursing Quality Improvement

- Associate Nurse / Midwifery Director
- Chief Nurse

- Director of Nursing / Midwifery

- Executive Nurse Director

- Programme Manager
- Patient Experience Officers
- Infection Control Nursing
- Occupational Health Nursing
- Staff Bank Managers
- Operational Managers
- Resuscitation Officer
- Chief Executive