Lothian Work Support Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Employee Work Rehabilitation

You have looked after everyone else – but what about you?
Staff working within NHS Lothian now have access to a free and confidential health service through Lothian Work Support Services – LWSS.
If you are experiencing illness, pain or have mental health concerns that are affecting you at work and you want support to resolve them, then contact us.

Lothian Work Support Services (LWSS) offers work rehabilitation support. It aims to assist employees to better manage their health and work needs through a managed process of advice, supported self management, and work focused therapies.

NHS Lothian Work Support Services


Getting back to and staying in work is a key issue for many people, especially those experiencing ill health and/or long periods of work absence. Our aim is to help employees to achieve a positive relationship between health and work, providing therapeutic intervention as early as possible to support you back to work.

Getting Back to Work

Work together with our occupational therapy case managers & therapists to create a return to work plan that takes in your immediate and future needs, and which is tailored to you.

Working with you and understanding your readiness is the key to help get you back to work.


Listening and Understanding on the road to “Work Readiness”

We want to hear what matters to you
We want to hear what support you need
We want to hear what will help you get back to work

We want to work with you to shape your Return to Work Plan
The service aims to listen to what you have to say and understand your unique needs.

The service can help

· a wide range of functional, psychological, developmental, physical, cognitive and emotional impairments that impact on work roles and duties.
· the many social and life issues and non work functions that are impacting on work attendance.
· with getting employees to a point of work readiness and return to work (employees on GP certified Fit Notes)
· disabilities and reasonable adjustment needs that require detailed specialist occupational therapy support

Who can use LWSS?

NHS Lothian Staff
West Lothian Council Staff

Occupational Therapy & Vocational Support


You will benefit from an individual assessment carried out by a NHS Occupational Therapist expert in the field of vocational support. The service can help with:

Immediate Needs Assessment from the employee perspective
A space to talk about how you are feeling & the workplace and home life barriers you are facing
Aspects of the job role and work environment that are problematic and how you think they can improve
Symptom management: education, advice or support
Coordinating Case Management
Assessment of functional capacity / abilities / skills / aptitude/ motivation/ preferences
Setting functional rehabilitation goals & action plans
Assessing the physical strength, stamina & range of movement needed for the job

Mental health focus: mood & anxiety management; Wellness Recovery Plans; confidence building; and coaching

Disability related support & equipment

Reasonable Adjustment advice

Signposting to other services

Let’s Work Together

To make a referral, please provide your name and contact details via any of the methods below.

Managers can also encourage their staff to contact us and to refer employees with their consent

Mailing Address

Lothian Work Support Services (LWSS)
Astley Ainslie Hospital, Care of Occupational Therapy Department, 133 Grange Loan,

e-mail Address



0131 537 95 79

We are here to help you…