Long COVID Information and Support.
These pages provide information on Long COVID, how to manage symptoms and seek support. Further sources of information can be found on the Chest, Heart, Stroke Scotland (CHSS) and NHS Inform website pages.

What is Long COVID?
While most people recover quickly from Coronavirus (COVID-19), some people may have ongoing symptoms. These can last for a few weeks or longer. This has been referred to as long COVID.
Long COVID can affect people of any age and background, including children, regardless of the severity of their original COVID symptoms – some people experience Long COVID symptoms without ever having been aware that they were ill.
As this is a new condition, knowledge of long COVID is developing all the time. Experts are learning more about how long symptoms will last, and it’ll vary from person to person. There can be different symptoms which often overlap. It can’t be said exactly how long coronavirus symptoms will last. The reassuring evidence is that symptoms improve over time in most cases.