Adult Weight Management & Type 2 Diabetes Prevention
Adult Weight Management and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Service
Child Healthy Weight
- Specialist team of dietitians working closely with other members of the multidisciplinary team (MDT) – Diabetes Specialists Nurses (DSNs), Drs, Podiatrists, Dietetic support workers
- Support available face to face, video calls, telephone calls, across 5 different sites in Lothian.
- Individual appointments, group education sessions, structured education courses like DAFNE (Dose Adjustment for Normal Eating), DESMOND (Diabetes Education for Self-Management Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed)
- Diabetes Technologies – insulin delivery & blood glucose monitoring
- Offering specialist dietary advice to help with the management of both T1 & T2 Diabetes
- Advice given is person centred, evidence based.
- Appropriate Interpretation services arranged if required.
Where we see people with diabetes
- Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, OPD 2 Diabetes Department
- Western General Hospital, Metabolic Unit
- St John’s Hospital, OPD 1
- East Lothian Community Hospital, Outpatients Department
- Leith Community Treatment Centre
We see people who have been referred into any of the above diabetes clinics. Referrals are usually made by a Consultant, GP, or other Health Care Professional. Patients already attending can also self refer to see the dietitian.
We also offer services such as antenatal care, DAFNE for Type 1 diabetes, DESMOND for Type 2 diabetes, and education & support for diabetes technology.
Some services like DAFNE, DESMOND, pump starts, CHO counting awareness are offered in a group education format. These are often in person but may be over a video call like Near Me or MS Teams.
Individual appointments can be offered in the following formats:
- Face to Face
- Video call (Near Me)
- Telephone call
What to expect
Following referral, you will receive an invitation to call in to book a convenient appointment. At this appointment we will:
- Ask you questions about your eating and drinking habits.
- Assess if there has been any recent changes in your weight to help assess your nutritional status.
- Work with you to explore what matters to you most and make a joint plan to help support you to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices, to help treat or prevent disease.
- Provide accessible information where needed.
- Tailor our advice to meet the needs of the individual.
- Group education services usually have a central administration team and so you will be contacted by them to arrange your session.
Contact Details:
Royal Infirmary Edinburgh & East Lothian Community Hospital Diabetes Dietetic Team 0131 242 1460
Western General Hospital Diabetes Dietetic Team 0131 537 1750
St John’s Hospital Diabetes Dietetic Team 01506 523 176
Useful Resources and links
Edinburgh Centre for Endocrinology & Diabetes (ECED)
Diabetes UK or phone 0345 123 2399 Diabetes UK Scotland helpline 0141 212 8710