Royal Edinburgh & Associated Hospitals Dietetic Team
Who are we?
A team of dietitians and support workers based at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital
What do we do?
We are an inpatient adult mental health team covering many locations across Lothian including: Royal Edinburgh Hospital, Astley Ainslie Hospital, Liberton Hospital, Findlay House, Ferryfield House, Ellen’s Glen House, and Princess Alexandra Eye Pavilion.
We cover the following specialities: psychiatry of old age, acute adult psychiatry, mental health rehabilitation, substance misuse, brain injuries, forensic mental health, amputee, stroke and orthopaedic rehabilitation, learning disability and HBCCC (Hospital Based Complex Clinical Care).
We are involved in the care of patients with enteral feeding, oral nutritional support, wound healing, disordered eating, diabetes control and prevention. We are trained in trauma informed practice, motivational interviewing and cognitive analytic therapy.
What to expect?
We work as part of a multi-disciplinary team with fellow Allied Health Professionals (speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists), medical and nursing teams to provide optimum care and support to aid recovery for our patients.
Contact Details
Phone Number: 0131 537 6821 or 0131 537 6831
Useful Links
Food and mental health – Mind
BDA – Food and Mood: Food and mood – British Dietetic Association (BDA)
BMJ Food & Mood – How do diet & nutrition affect mental wellbeing: Food and mood: how do diet and nutrition affect mental wellbeing? | The BMJ
Lothian Eating Disorders Service – Cullen Centre Dietetic Team
Who we support
Adults aged 18+ who are receiving input from the Cullen Centre in Edinburgh.
What we do
As part of your treatment at the Cullen Centre you may be referred to one of our Dietitians for support with your eating disorder which may include:
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Binge Eating Disorder
- Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)
You may be offered 4-6 sessions with the Dietitian to work on a variety of areas such as psychoeducation, weight gain, meal planning or anything else that we identify together.
What to expect
Following a referral from a member of our multidisciplinary team (MDT), we will have an initial appointment with you. We will ask you questions about your intake and if you have had any recent weight changes to help assess your nutritional status.
We will work with you to explore what matters to you. A plan may be formed that will support you to make appropriate lifestyle and food choices in conjunction with your therapist. The type of appointment may be any of the following:
- Telephone call
- Near Me (video call)
- Face to face appointment
- Home visit (if applicable)
How to refer
If you or someone you know are concerned that you may have an eating disorder, you can contact your GP who will ask you some questions and may make a referral to the Cullen Centre.
Useful links