Adult Weight Management and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Service NHS Lothian | Our Services

Adult Weight Management and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention Service

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We provide a specialist service which supports you to lead a healthy lifestyle, to manage weight and improve your health.

Two male patients doing exercise with female physiotherapist

We also offer education and support for those at risk of or living with type 2 diabetes.

Our multi-disciplinary team is made up of dietitians, dietetic support workers, a physiotherapist, exercise specialists, psychologists and our community leisure partners – all with expert skills in advancing nutrition, physical activity and behavioural changes.

 Our package of support includes specialist assessment, lifestyle intervention programmes, emotional wellbeing and signposting to self-help resources or other community services.

You can refer yourself directly to our service or speak to a health care professional. Our team will then work with you to identify which weight management or type 2 diabetes programme is best suited to your needs.

We are currently offering programmes virtually, with face-to-face options resuming as soon as it is safe to do so. Please note that waiting times are higher than usual as a result of COVID-19. Interpreters are also available if needed.

Please visit our Adult Weight Management and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention programmes below for more information;

Specialist Weight Management Support
Fertility Dietitian
Type 2 Diabetes Remission through Counterweight Plus
Lets Prevent Diabetes
Diabetes Education and Self-Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed (DESMOND)
Second Nature Digital App

If you’d like to find out about our support for children and young people, please visit our Child Healthy Weight service page.